Ashton on Mersey Golf Club

Seniors Section

Winter Programme of Talks

15th October 2024 Brian Kean – From local league Matches in Miles Platting to Internationals in Moscow my 50 years in Table Tennis as a
Scotland International player and coach

19st November 2024 Paul Heaton – Tales of a RSPCA Inspector

10th December 2024 Seniors Christmas Dinner & Christmas Quiz – Eric Lupton

14th January 2025 Annual Review Meeting

18th February 2025 name to be advised – Greater Manchester Blood Bikes Association

18th March 2025 Brian Topping – ‘Tales of a Customs Officer – Part ll’

Seniors News Autumn 2024

Approaching the end of the season now with only a couple of matches left at the time of writing. If you didn’t manage to get into the team for any of this year’s matches – look out for notices next year and get your name down! Advance Notices go up three weeks before each match – keep looking! The 2025 Fixture List will also be posted on this website well in advance so make a note in your diaries!

This year’s Away Day was held at Houghwood Golf Club and the main competition was won by Simon Dewsnip. Congratulations! Simon is already looking forward to defending his title at next year’s Away Day scheduled for Astbury Golf Club on 14th August 2025

The last competition, the rearranged Seniors Championship won, again, by our esteemed Honorary Secretary! Simon is certainly enjoying a ‘purple patch!! Runner Up was John Burgess closely followed in third place on a four-way card play off by Gordon Hamlett. Congratulations, also, to Mick Boden winning the nearest the pin and Andy Byrne for the longest drive

’The season’s final event was a most enjoyable match vs the Ladies Section. For once, the weather behaved and we were bathed, for the most part, in sunshine leading to a competitive match played in a convivial atmosphere resulting in an ‘honourable draw!’

A good time was had by all, as can be seen from the photograph, such that it was unanimously agreed to repeat next year!

We now turn our attention to the closed season and the Winter Programme. The Winter 9 hole Seniors Competition is set to return again on 8th October. In addition to winning a prize for each competition, it also provides opportunity to win the Freda Newlove Trophy and Prize for the 4 best cumulative scores from the 6 competitions up to and including March next year. Please see the Fixture List on this website for the dates (as above).

A full programme of speakers has also now been arranged for our Seniors Lunches and, again, the details of these can be found below. A lot of effort goes in to preparing for these talks especially by those of our members willing to ‘volunteer’! I do hope that as many of you as possible will show your support for these efforts by attending and then join us after for lunch just to ensure the social side of our activities continue throughout the colder winter months. Please remember, guests are not only welcome, but actively encouraged!

Anyone reading this who is eligible and not a Seniors Section Member, please contact me on how to join as new members are always most welcome and we make it as easy as possible for you to do so!

Enjoy what remains of the season!